Exploring the tender depths of ‘Another Angel Leaves,’ this poem on the loss of a child intertwines grief with a glimmer of hope.
Find solace and understanding in its lines, as it transforms heartache into a celestial journey.
she first came to the doctor
when she was two years old
diagnosed with leukemia
tests were reviewed
with mom and dad
treatment plans were set
chemotherapy started
frequent office visits
for testing and treatment
the parents were trusting
they adored their sweet angel
struggling and trying to survive
the final treatments completed
moving onto observation
testing and monitoring
for two years there was hope
prayers were answered
and the sweet angel thrived
but then the blood beast returned
with even greater vengeance
requiring more aggressive treatment
after several options had been tried
there were none left that would help
the little angel to survive
parents and doctor were heartbroken
and the options for the end
were empathetically addressed
mom and dad took their daughter home
with medicine to quell her increasing pain
doctor visited the family to help them
through the painful ordeal
the sweet angel passed peacefully
cradled by mother and father
till her last sweet angel breath
Csaba, a writer, filmmaker, and artist – My passion is to tell stories about the complexities, nuances and quirks of humanity on our pale blue dot through poetry, screenplays and multimedia artwork.